What is the Operating System and its Features

Do you know what the operating system is? If you do not know, then it does not matter why you will understand it better by reading this post today. With this you will also know what are the types of operating system (Types of operating system) and how does it work? You will get the answer to all these questions while reading this post.

Friends, there are many parts in the human body which are necessary for survival. But the soul is such a thing that if the body is not of any use, then the whole body works as long as there is a soul. Regardless of whether a part works or not, a person lives. In the same way, in the computer also there is a thing like the soul, which we call the operating system. You know what a computer is. It also has many parts. But the computer will not run until this happens.

Anyone who has a laptop or smartphone often discuss these words android, windows, Linux, Mac. Talking about computer system, in this from Windows 95 to Windows 10 etc. All OSs are the same. Smartphone users are also not ignorant of this. In this too, Android's version Jellybean, Kitkat to Oreo are all OSes. Which you also know for sure. If a common man like you goes to buy a smartphone, then he buys the latest version of Android. So let us now know what is the operating system and how many types are there.

What is the operating system

Operating system is a system software which in short we also speak OS. In a way, it is like a soul in a computer. Without which the computer cannot function at all. It handles all the operations between computer hardware and software. This is a kind of interface between hardware and user users i.e. ours which connects us to each other.

Saying it like this, there is a basis due to which all software and hardware work. All the hardware such as Keyboard, Mouse, Printer and software like MS Office, Photoshop and chrome works on all operating systems only.

For example, we take a house. If there is no land to build a house, then what is the benefit of living in brick, cement, sand? Now you tell me, will you build a house without land? Your answer will be no! In the same way you want to run the computer, you have mouse, keyboard, printer all the things but the OS is not installed, then yes you understand that the computer will not be on.

If you go and get a new computer from the shop, then install Windows 7 or 10 and install it. Suppose if you take it home without installing Windows then you understand that you will have to go to the shop again. Because your computer will not be on without it.

MS-Word, VLC player are all application software. The one we work on. And the software with which the computer works is called the system software. And the system software here is the OS itself. Now you must have understood what it is, let's take some more information about it.

What are the functions of the operating system

Because of this, the computer works but it is also important to know how it works itself. When the computer starts, from the time the computer is turned off, how can it handle all the work on its own. This is a matter of consideration. So let's know what are the functions of computer

1. Memory management

2. Processor management

3. File management

4. Device management

5. Security

6. Control over System Performance

7. Job accounting

8. Error detecting Aids

9. Coordination between other software and users

Memory Management

The process of managing primary memory and secondary memory is called memory management. The primary memory that we know as RAM is volatile memory. And whoever works in the documents, it keeps the temporary store. There are many arrays of words or bits in the main memory, each of which has its own address. The main memory that occurs is very fast which can be directly accessed from the CPU.

When we open a software by double clicking, it must be in memory. Let's take a little glimpse of what and what works.

* It records every step of primary memory. Like how much memory is being used and who is using it. Like if we use chrome, then how much memory is he eating as well as music player is running, then he will also use some memory of RAM separately. It shows all this information.

* In multi programming, the OS decides which processes to allocate how much memory and when.

* Distributes the memory for the program when different programs are started.

* When a program is closed, it conserves memory back.

Processor Management

In a multi-programming environment, the operating system decides which process to give to the processor to use, when to deliver and for how long. This function is also called process scheduling. It performs the activities given below to do process management.

* The OS keeps tracking all the work of the processor and keeps on recording the status of each process. The people who run this task are called traffic controllers.

* It distributes the processor for a process.

* When a process stops processing, it gets it back.

Device Management

You will know that for every input and output device installed, you get a driver along with it. Before using all these inputs or external devices, we have to install the driver. If you do not install the driver, then the computer does not recognize that device. And because of this the device does not work either.

Although drivers in OS up to almost Windows 7 had to be installed for all devices, but in the latest Windows, drivers for very few devices have to be installed.

This device manages communication through its driver. Let's see how the operating system device management works.

* It tracks all devices. The program it uses to manage devices is called the I / O controller.

* The OS also decides which processes to deliver to the device when and for how long. For example, we take the PhotoShop program. As soon as you click on print to print the photo, the OS printer, which is an output device, executes it for a while to process it. When the photo is printed, then it takes the device back.

* Uses the device as long as possible, as I mentioned in the above example.

* When the device completes the work then it keeps it inactive.

File Management

To make the file easy to use, we create a folder and keep it inside. This makes us easy to use any file at any time by keeping it in a category wise folder. We also call Directory itself.

More folders and files are kept inside the folder. In this way, we know more about what work OS does.

* It tracks every information. Along with this, what is the location of the file, when is the file made, how much is the size, which user had created all this information also. The program that performs all this process is called the file system.

* The OS decides who will get the resources.

* Distributes the resource among themselves.

* Takes resources back when not in use.


When we use more computers, we wish that only we can use them. So for this it also gives us security. We can create users for ourselves and keep it safe by entering a password. And even if there are more than one user, we can also create a personal user for ourselves and use it separately.

It is an advantage that the system is the same, but we can easily keep our personal data hidden, secure and locked. This operating system gives us all the facilities.

Control over system performance

Sometimes it must have happened to you that you would have tried to start a program and it should have started after a while. Or it will have to try to store any of its files and it will be processing for a long time. The OS records delays or delays that occur in all of these performance and also records how long the system reacted to complete a process.

Job accounting

The OS does a lot of work as well as it works as to what work a user did till the computer shut down after starting. And it also keeps track of which file has worked.

Error Detecting Aids

While working, it often happens that software and programs hang. And it also happens that due to some error, the software stops in the middle. The OS keeps track of all these errors as well.

Coordination Between Other Softwares and Users

The OS creates co-ordination between the programming languages ​​that work inside the computer and between the commands and inputs given by the users. As we type "aa", the system understands it according to the code (0,1). Is what we have written. After processing it, we understand the programming language and then show it to us through the output device to understand it. For all the performance, the platform that gives the platform to work in the middle is the OS itself.

Types of operating systems

Everyday, something changes in the world. In the same way, the OS of a computer also keeps changing. Technology is becoming more advanced. Now the era has come that Scientist has achieved a lot of success on Artificial Intelligence as well.

Now if there is no change in the OS, then it is not possible. NASA has now reached Mars. So you can guess from this that the operating system you use at home will be used in rocket science? No, for this very advanced OS which has the ultimate features are used. You must have understood from this point that it is not just one of a kind.

There are different types according to its usage and needs. It is used as needed. So let's know how many types of operating systems are there.

1. Batch Operating System

2. Network Operating System

3. Time-Sharing Operating System

4. Distributed Operating System

5. Real-Time Operating System

Batch Operating System

In a batch operating system, users do not interact directly with the computer. There is an operator who groups the type of jobs and makes batches according to the need. It is the responsibility of the operator to sort the jobs with different needs and make them in different batches.

1. Benefits of Batch Operating System

It is very difficult to know how much time it will take to complete a job, only the processors of batch system know how much time it will take to complete the job in line.

Many users can share this system.

Batch system idle time is very short.

This system has the ability to easily manage big things again and again.

Disadvantages of Batch System

There is no direct interaction between the computer and the user.

Computer operators must have a very good knowledge about batch systems.

Debugging the Batch system is a huge problem.

It is expensive.

When a job fails once, it has to be lined up again to complete. It was simply going to take time.

2. Network Operating System

These systems work on the server. Which have the ability to manage data, user, groups, application, security, and all other networking systems. If you go to any company, you will see a lot of computers that work as a private network. All computers are connected to each other. And in this way they work on top of a server. In this, you can access file, print, login from any system.

Example: I work in an automobile company. There are many computer systems here and all are connected to a server. And the files stored on this server are open and used from anywhere, ie from any system, we work in the file kept on the server. Even to get the print out, we go out of any system and take out the print from the common printer. Apart from this, the same login ID is used to login in any system.


Its centralized servers are very stable

All security issues can be managed from the server itself.

Implementation of new updates in all computers is done easily.

You can work remotely from any system to another system with the help of VNC.


The servers used in it are very expensive.

Centralized systems are required for all types of devices.

It is important to have maintenance and up to date regularly.

3.Time Sharing Operating System

In this way, some time is given to complete each task so that every task can work smoothly. In this, every user uses a single system, so the CPU is given time. This system is also called Multitasking System. The task involved in this can be from single user or it can be from multi user as well.

In this, the amount of time it takes to execute each task is called quantum. After completing each task, it starts the next task again.


Every task is given equal chance to complete.

There is little chance of software being duplicated.

CPU idle time can be reduced in this.


There is a problem of reliability in it.

Everyone has to take care of security and integrity in it.

In this, the problem of data communication is common.

Examples of time-sharing, operating system are: - Unix

4. Distributed Operating System

In the world of computer technology, this type of system is an advanced technology. Which has been started recently. It has been adopted all over the world and is being used in every corner.

When used as a single system by connecting multiple autonomous independent computers, it is called a distributed operating system. It is not at all necessary that all the computers should be in one place. They can also be connected by staying in different places.

You must have heard the LAN and the WAN. If  you know its good but if don't know don't worry I will tell you. When many computers are in one place and connected together, it will be called LAN Distributed System. And when many computers are connected together from different places, it is called a WAN distributed system.


If a system fails, then there is no difference in the entire network. All systems are free from each other and are not dependent.

Email increases the speed of data exchange.

Resources are shared which is why work is very fast and best.

It takes very less time to load data.

Reduces data processing delay

5. Real-Time Operating System

A real-time operating system is a data processing system in which the process and response time for an input is very short. Or simply say, we use this type of system to watch any data live from the Internet. Using this system, a specialist doctor sitting in London performs the operation of a patient in America. For this, they use robotic hands. This is possible due to this system

The time till input after output in it is called Response time. These are some examples of using such systems. Scientific experiments, Medical imaging system, Industrial control system, Weapons system, Robot, Air traffic control system etc.

There are 2 types of real-time.

1. Hard Real-Time Systems

This is a system that has a time limit. The target time is given, he completes his task at the same time. There is no chance for mistake in this. Such a system is used to save life. Such as parachutes, air bags, medical operation. So now you can understand how strong such systems are.

2. Soft Real-Time Systems

There is no time limit in such systems. If a task is running, then it is taking too much time, then there is no problem in it. So friends, you have now come to know very well how different operating systems are. And all the types mentioned are quite important. To understand how the operating system works, let us now know further some charactristics of the operating system.

Features of Operating System - Characteristics of Operating system

1. The operating system is a group of many software programs. It forms the basis in which other programs can run.

2. It is very important to have an operating system to install all the software.

3. The operating system controls all input and output devices connected to the computer.

4. It acts as working between the user and the hardware. That is, when we input our work with the keyboard and mouse, the operating system controls it and then shows it to us through the output device.

5. If we want to keep our data with safety then it also gives us security. For this it also gives us many features.

Friends, you must have understood very well what works.

In short

Friends, today's information is very important if you are studying computer related course and operating system, then it is very important for you to know what is the operating system. Also, it is important to know how many types of operating systems are there.

I hope you have taken all this information. With the changes in technology every day, some new improvements are also happening in this daily. We often get a lot of new features due to its frequent updates. So, how did you like this post today? I hope you enjoy this information. If you like it, then share the post with your friends too.

What is the Operating System and its Features What is the Operating System and its Features Reviewed by imran on March 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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