What is Computer?

 If you are a school going student then you or it is very important to know what is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that processes the data inputted by the user and provides information in the form of results. Simply put, a computer is a type of electronic machine that processes the data, accepting the instructions given by the user.

It can store data and also provides us with that data to be used again if needed.

If you are one of the college-going students who have heard about this device but do not have much information yet, then read this post till the end.

Before working on this device, it is very important to get all kinds of information about it so that it can understand what are the types and uses of computers (Types of Computer)?

What are its basic parts and how does it work?

Apart from this, it is also important to know what are its importance and characteristics?

Today in this article you will also know what its definition is.

So without delay, let us know in full detail what is a computer and what is there in it?

Complete information of computer:

Computer is also known as computer. It is an electronic machine that accepts the data inputted by the user from the input device, then after processing it shows the information as the result of the output device.

You can also store data in it, so that it can be used in future. Computer is made up of the Latin word " " " Computer " which means to calculate.

We use it to do many things easily. It also solves complex math problems in less than a second.

It does not understand the instructions given by us in our language but only as 0 and 1 which we speak machine language.

This device is not just a use, it is used almost everywhere.

You will often go to many such places everyday where there will be government or private offices.

Till a few years ago, people and files were used for their work in these places i.e. paperwork was done.

But this machine caught such detail that now in every office, office you will see only this machine.

This is because it has reduced the hours of writing and calculating an account and the mistakes made in it.

It is important to know what is its definition, in addition to this, here we will also know what are the parts or parts of the computer.

Until now a few years ago, it was such that everyone did not know about it. It was used only in office, school and college.

I first saw this instrument when I was in 6th class.

We use this to do almost all our types of work, yes, almost all kinds of work.

It has become as important as the importance of education. Because right now, even a graduated person has a lot of difficulty in getting a job.

But the knowledge of this is such that if you know what the basic computer course DCA is and how to work in Photoshop then it is not difficult for you to get work.

What is the full form of computer?

Let us now know what is the full form of computer?

C - Commonly,

O - Operated,

M - Machine,

P - Particularly,

U - Used for,

T - Technical,

E - Educational,

R - Research.

What is the definition of computer?

“A computer is an electronic device that processes the data inputted from the user programmatically and then shows the result in the form of output.

Which can also be used in future. "

it work is something like this.

But from the process flow diagram shown, you can easily understand what is the way of working of computer. It mainly works in 3 steps.

The user takes the data of the computer from the input device as input data, after which the data that the user enters it is processed by its program.

After this, the data is shown to the user as output. It accepts and processes two types of data, one is Arithmetical and the other Logical.

This is such an electronic device that specializes in doing many tasks very quickly and easily.

But there are still many people in the world who do not know a lot of important things about PCs.

That is why I have tried in today's post so that I can easily explain every little information related to it.

What is the name of a computer?

By the way, really many people who do not know what is computer. It is called a computer . Computer means an instrument that performs calculations.

What is a computer screen called?

When we work in this device, we use a monitor for it, which is its output device. So you can yourself understand that the screen is called a monitor.

How does a computer work?

Friends, everyone works on desktops and laptops. But not everyone knows how it works.

So if you want to know then keep going. you will get the answers.

Input:  First of all, the user puts the data from the input device into it, it is called input.

This is the set of data or information. Which are many types like letters, numbers, words, audio, video etc.

Processing: - This is an internal process. Processes the inputted data based on the instruction given in the program.

Output: - Processed data is seen on the monitor as the result, it is called output. When the data is processed, we get it through the monitor screen, printer, audio device.

Computer parts?

It is an electronic device with many parts.

You must have often seen that there are different parts to work in it. Some parts are necessary without which the system cannot function.

Some computer parts are parts that we use to complete our extra work.

It is also necessary to use the device for everything. So let us know which parts are in it, without which it cannot work.

There are many parts of this which are necessary. Detailed information about these parts is given below.

1. Input Device

The device we use to enter data inside our PC is called an input device.

We enter this data and instruction in different form using the input device.

An input device is a means of communicating directly between humans and the system.

Input devices are devices that directly access the CPU after inputting instructions and data. The instructions from these devices tell the brain of the system what to use?

There are different types of input devices that can input data and instruction.

Here I am telling you about different input devices. Keyboard, Light pen, Digital Camera, Mouse, Scanner.

2. Motherboard

A motherboard is a circuit board consisting of various components that work together to make a computer work. All parts are connected in it.

The CPU, Mouse, keyboard, printer, monitor and also devices are connected directly to the motherboard by cables.

There is a hardware inside the motherboard system. We also call it the backbone of the system.

Apart from PCs and laptops, there are many devices in which the motherboard is used. Devices like mobile and tablet also have motherboard.

The shape and size of the motherboard of different systems vary according to the device. Some parts are connected directly to the motherboard itself.

3. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

If it is called the brain of the system, then it is not a wrong thing. The way a person thinks with his mind and takes a decision, in the same way the CPU works like a human mind in the system.

It is also known by many names, such as e-brain processor, central processor, and micro processor.

This system is in the motherboard inside the cabinet. The world's first processor was built by Intel company in 1970.

The CPU follows and controls instruction coming from any software or hardware. The CPU mainly consists of 2 parts.

➤ Arithmetic and Logical Unit

➤ Control unit

Arithmetic and logical unit calculates both data (numerical or logical data) and makes the decision.

It processes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division as well as logical data (<=> and, or). Control unit controls all the functions of the system.

Controls the work of all its parts like input, output, processor.

4. Output Device

After the data is processed in the system, the devices that the system uses to display the output by displaying the result are called output devices.

The output device provides data to the user in the form of sound, video, shape, photo etc.

In the output device, we all know the monitor, printer, earphone, speaker. It is visible by outputting us in all the device information.

Here I am telling you some important output devices. Monitor, Speaker, Printer, Projector, etc.

5. Hard Disk Drive

Hard disk acts as the storage of a system.

That is, all the data, such as videos, MP3, documents, where all the files are saved, it is called hard drive.

This is a permanent storage device. In which you can store and keep data for as long as you want.

6. RAM (Random Access Memory)

RAM is also called main memory or primary memory or volatile memory.

This is called volatile memory because it stores the data temporarily.

Its full form is Random Access memory.

RAM increases the speed of the system. Therefore, the higher the capacity RAM, the more speed the system will work.

Whenever a user works in the system, then at the time of working, whatever user works, stores it.

But if for some reason the data is not saved and the power is lost, then all the data will also be lost.

RAM i.e. temporary memory only saves the data while working.

To store it permanently, it is necessary to store it in the hard drive itself.

7. Power Supply

SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) is an electrical device that supplies power to all parts of the system.

Who invented computer - Father of Computer

Its invention is one of the largest inventions in the world. Because it changed the whole world.

All work is now done from this. This has made human work very easy.

Do you know who invented it and who is the father of it. If you do not know, then know that the person who invented it is named Charles Babbage.

Charles Babbage is said to be the father of this, who built a mechanical computer called "Differential engine" in 1822.

By the way, many people have contributed with time to develop or develop it.

In 1837, he introduced the first modern system to the world as an Analytical engine.

The Analytical engine used ALU (Arithmetic and Logic unit), basic flow control and integrated memory.

Today's systems are also built on the basis of this model. This is the reason that he is called the father of the modern age system.

Types of Computer:

Broadly is divided into 3 categories based on its working. Each of which has its different types.

Analog - Systems that use an analog signal to show information are called Analog computers. The information contained in this is in continuous form, which is shown in the form of curves.

It is used in measuring continuous physical quantity such as temperature, electric current, blood pressure and heart rate.

Digital - Systems that use binary digits to show different information are called digital computers.

Information in this is in discrete form. It handles the information in the form of text, picture and graphics.

Hybrid - Such systems which are capable of understanding the analog signal as well as binary digits to show the information, we know on the basis of the Hybrid computer.

In this, the information shows according to the operating mode. In this, the information is in continuous form as well as in discrete form as it does digital processing as well as analog processing.

Types of computers by size

Supercomputers - Such systems are the fastest and powerful. They are very expensive and they are used only for special purposes.

Like weather forecasting, very complicated calculations are done for this, that is why it is used.

Apart from this, it is used in animation, graphic designing, nuclear energy research, and calculating fluid dynamics.

Mainframe Computer - This is a very expensive and large size system that is capable of handling thousands of users simultaneously.

If we talk about hierarchy in this, there is a microprocessor at the bottom which reaches the supercomputer which is at the top. The mainframes are level below the super one.

If you talk about a few occasions, then they are many times more powerful than the super system because they can run many programs simultaneously, in which thousands of users can work together.

But in supercomputers, one program at a time, which runs, works much faster than mainframe.

Mini computers - They come in medium level according to size and power. Mini computers come in between the mainframe and the work station.

If we talk about simple things, then these are such systems in which 4-200 users can work together.

Micro or personal computer - This is a type of device that is made for the use of a human being, it is also known as a personal computer, which is based on what is a single chip micro processor.

It mainly consists of laptops and desktops.

Desktop - A personal or micro-mini system fit easily into a desk.

Laptops - These are systems that are portable and have an integrated screen and keyboard.

They are usually smaller in size than the desktop and are larger than the notebook.

Palmtop / Digital Diary / PDA - The systems that come into our hands are so small. It does not have a keyboard. In this, the screen itself acts as an input and output device.

Work station - A terminal or desktop works as a network.

Here we take it as a general term which means user's machine (client machine) which is called server or mainframe.

History of Computer:

It was invented 2000 years ago. The "Abacus" is the world's first computer. Abacus is a rack made of wood. From which calculus of mathematics is done.

Its development has been divided into generations which tell one by one how this modern form has come to us and you.

Generally, its history has been classified into 5 genera.

Generation of computers: - 

Let us know the history of this one by one according to its generation.

First Generation Vacuum Tubes (1940–1956)

The first generation used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drum for memory.

They used to come so big that they used to capture the entire room. It used to be very expensive to use them because they used to cost a lot of electricity to run.

Apart from this, they also used to generate a lot of heat, due to which the problem of malfunction was also there.

In this, punch cards and paper tape were used for input devices and print outs for output.

They used machine language. Some examples of first generation are UNIVAC and ENIAC.

Second Generation Transistor (1956–1963)

In second generation computers, the transistor replaced vacuum tubes. Trans labors were invented by Bell labs in 1947.

These transistors were many times better than the vacuum tube because they were very fast and used to work electricity as well, which made it much cheaper to run.

Second-generation computer used assembly language instead of machine language. In this, COBOL and FORTRAN were used as high-level language.

Third Generation Integrated circuits (1964–1971)

Integrated circuits replaced transistors in this generation. Now the transistor has become very small which is inserted inside the silicon chips and is called a semiconductor.

This greatly increased the speed and efficiency. Instead of Punch card and printout, keyboard and monitor started being used, for which the operating system was used.

Fourth generation Microprocessor (1971-Present)

Microprocessor was used as the fourth generation. Thousands of integrated circuits were built within a silicon chip.

Now this system had developed so much that used to capture the entire room, now it has become of the size of a palm.

The Intel 4004 chip was developed in 1971, within which all components were fixed. In 1981 IBM also designed the first system to be used at home.

Fifth Generation Artificial Intelligence (Present and beyond)

Fifth generation system is based on artificial intelligence, which is still being developed.

One form we are using is voice recognition. Quantum calculation parallel processing is an example of artificial intelligence.

Having an artificial intelligence enables them to make decisions on their own.

What is the importance of computer:

Use in education

Scientific research

Weather and natural calamity information and forecast

Use in entertainment

Special Contribution to Home and Office Functions

Automatic Machine Operation

Characteristics and advantages of computers

This device has brought many changes in the life of human beings. It has left no stone unturned to make the life of humans. Just as every coin has 2 aspects, in the same way there are two aspects to its use.

Everything has its specialty but it also has some flaws.

We will discuss here further what are the advantages and disadvantages of this. So first of all, know about its benefits, that is, the benefits.

1. To be cheap

There used to be a time when buying a system was not enough for everyone because its price was very high.

At the same time people did not even know its use, but the time has come when today's powerful systems do not have to spend much money.

Good and fast working desktops / laptops are now available at a great price. This is the reason that today desktop / laptops are available at home.

2. Online shopping, Internet banking, the biggest source of entertainment

The biggest advantage in the benefits of this is that by connecting the internet, we can use internet banking through this. While sitting at home, we can complete the work connected with the bank with the help of desktop or laptop only.

Apart from this, by using it, we can do online shopping of any goods and we can get that stuff at our house right from the house.

One of the biggest uses of desktops / laptops is the entertainment sector. In this we can watch movies, listen to songs, play games.

3. Unemployment - Less manpower required

Computer alone works for many people. Nowadays, every manufacturing company, government office, school, college and bank have desktops.

The work that 4 people used to do is completed by a single system and only one person is required to run it.

In this way, 3 out of 4 people face unemployment everywhere. Job opportunities were reduced because less people were needed.

4. More use of social networking site

Nowadays, all people, whether mobile or laptop, are connected with social media everywhere. Sitting on it throughout the day, time continues.

There is nothing to gain from this, but people cannot practice the habit of social media without it.

5. Security Threat

All work is now done in computers. In it, all the documents are stored and kept. It is always made that if there is an infection of a virus in the hard drive, then it can ruin all the data.

Bad people just keep on hurting others and resort to wrong methods to ruin the data of big big companies.

6. Computer dominates humans

Today, work on artificial intelligence has started very fast. Systems are being created that can talk, understand and interact with people.

If every day this machine becomes so powerful that it takes decisions on its own and sometimes goes in a wrong or negative condition, then it can also prove to be a threat to a human race.

By the way, this device has not become so smart that if you can take the decision on your own, then there is no danger at the moment.

Computer Uses - Uses of Computer?

Let us now know where it is used.

➤  Education

➤  Government Office work

➤  Defense Institute (Defense)

➤  Hospital

➤  Sports

➤  Business (Business)

➤  Science & Research

➤  Entertainment

➤  Meteorological Department

➤  Banking

FAQs related to computer

What is a computer?

Answer - A computer is a machine which receives the data and instructions given by the user through the input device, then starts the processing work through its processing unit and provides the output to the user according to the input data. .

What can we do with a computer?

Answer - We can do a lot of things like this, in scientific research, scientists use it for week experiments.

It is used in many ways in education institute and especially nowadays for digital learning, it is used to properly explain a topic to children.

This device plays a very important role in the field of defense and computers are used in aircraft control systems, communications systems, missile tracking systems and radar systems.

The utility of the device is very high in the field of telecommunications and today in the Internet, this communication has been spread all over the world, for which it is also considered important.

Nowadays, people use personal computers to make their work easier in every small business.

Now go to any government or private office, you will see people doing their work on us in the computer itself.

In banks, you must have seen all the staff working in the computer.

Nowadays, complex to complex operation is successfully done with the help of computer itself and the patient is made healthy and even the biggest disease is eradicated.

What is the definition of computer ?

Answer - A computer is an electronic device that accepts the input data through the input device and then processes it and shows the result to the user through the output device.

What is a work station computer?

Answer - The special computer used for scientific research and work is called work station computer. It uses multi-user operating system in which multiple work can be done simultaneously.

Who is the father of computer?

Answer - In the 19th century, the professor of mathematics, whose name was Charles Babbage, invented the computer, due to which the father of this instrument or its father is called.

What is read in a computer?

Answer - Many types of courses are offered in computer, through which any student can make his career and after studying these, he can earn his further income.

Web designing or web development,

Basic Computer Course,

Graphic designing,

Course on Computer Concept (CCC),

Digital marketing,


Mobile app development,

software engineering,



Cyber ​​security course,

Data Entry Operator

Advance Diploma in Computer Applications,

Advance Diploma in Financial Accounting,

Computer programming certification course,

ITI in computers,

Diploma in Computer Science,

Search engine optimization,

Content Writing Course.

What is the type of computer?

Answer - There are four types of computers based on processing speed and size.

Mini computer


Mainframe computer


Who discovered computers and when?

Answer - The person who created it is Charles Babbage and who is also known as the father and father of the computer or simply because he invented the computer, he is said to have discovered the computer by Charles Babbage in 1823 AD. I have done

When did computers first come to India?

Answer - The computer was first installed in 1952 at the Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata. Thus began the practice of this device in India.

In short:

I hope that what the computer says is understood and you will like this post.

If you still need some more information, then you can give us suggestions in the comment box.

With this, we will get more encouragement and encouragement in working so that we can work hard and prepare information for you in simple words.

Overall, knowledge of computers is as important in today's times as we believe in education.

Today almost no work is done without it everywhere.

That is why we have discussed this topic in detail today and you have come to know what is computer.

We have also told what are its types of Computer.

If you like this post, then definitely share it on your social media account Facebook, Instagram.

What is Computer? What is Computer? Reviewed by imran on April 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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