What is CPU

" CPU " is Central processing unit. Which we can also call as central processing unit. It is some time called the brain of the computer. Because it has a processor that controls other devices connected to the computer.

If you know about computer then you must also know what CPU is (What is CPU)? In this post we will also tell you what is the type of CPU and how it works.

What is the reason that it is called the brain of computer?

People are often confused about these questions.

Do you know how it fulfills our work when we work in computers? Through this post, we will get complete information about CPU.

After all, what else sleeps inside the CPU that gives it the ability to control all the devices connected to the computer.

If you want to know all this, then read this article completely.

While delay, let's know what the CPU is (What is CPU)?.

CPU information:

The full name of the CPU is Central Processing Unit. The central processing unit is the primary unit of the computer that processes all instruction (s).

It keeps running the operating system and all applications continuously.

In addition, it receives the input made by the user and runs all other software based on it.

It processes the input data and returns the output to us.

What is the full form of CPU?

The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit.

Definition of CPU ?

Central Processing Unit is a unit that completes all the work done inside the computer.

It controls the movement of instructions from one part of the computer to another.

All of this work relies on a chipset which is a group of small multiple chips located on the motherboard.

Central processing unit is also known by other names. Such as Processor, Microprocessor, and central processor.

The CPU is the foundation and in a way it makes the computer the computer.

But it is also true that CPU cannot be the only computer. It is a brain that performs every operation.

It is a small computer chip that is located on the motherboard of the computer i.e. the main circuit board, irrespective of the system, desktop, personal computer, laptop or tablet.

This memory is completely different from the graphics card, which is stored and stored by the video, and by rendering the video.

The chip which consists of this is made up of many small transistors.

With the help of these transistors, the program of the computer runs and completes the work of calculus.

To future development CPU technology transistors are being made in smaller and smaller sizes. So that the speed can be increased a lot by using more transistors.

As time passes, its technology is also developing and the ability to work fast in it is also increasing day by day.

The scientist who developed this rule is Gordon Moore. Moore's law is also called his rule of increasing these transistors.

Central Processing Unit Functions - ( CPU Function )

Those who get information about computers, it is necessary to have complete knowledge of CPU.

Because if we say that we know everything about the computer and do not know what the CPU is, then it is a wrong thing.

How does the central processing unit working as the brain of a computer work?

Which resolves our problem by completing every calculation in such a fast speed within seconds.

This is not a miracle but science, which we spend hours copying and doing with a pen, it solves it just by pressing an enter button.

Even though today's CPUs are very developed, but their way of working is the same basic function that used to be done earlier.

Its basic all functions are fetch decode and execute. Let's get information about them in detail.

Fetch (Lana)

Fetch means "to bring". In this step, instructions are received from the program memory.

Instruction means numbers or series of numbers. Instruction is many but how does one know which instruction is in which place?

So for this there is a Program counter (PC) which determines the address (location) of the instruction in the program memory.

The program stores the address of the counter instruction as a number.

When an instruction fetch is received, the length of the Program Counter is increased according to the length of the instruction so that it will keep the address of the next instruction.

Decode - Decode

The instruction that is brought from memory by fetch shows what the CPU has to do now.

Decode means instruction to decoder.

In this step, instruction is passed into a circuit which is also called instruction decoder, which converts instruction into signal from which other parts of CPU are controlled.

Execute - Taking Action

After bringing the Instruction and converting it into a signal, the third step is execute. Depending on the design of the CPU, there may be one action or several actions to execute.

Sends decoded instruction to CPU relavent parts so that it can do its work on the basis of parts instruction.

In this way an action or series of action is completed.

After that the results are written to the internal CPU register. This creates a reference for the subsequent instruction.

Writeback - Write Back

After the execution of the process is completed, the result of writeback gets sotre in some form of memory.

In a particular instruction set, they are written to the CPU registor so that they can be accessed immediately.

They are known by the name of jumps on a simple basis and its behavior is in the loop.

What are the parts of CPU:-

The Central Processing Unit is made up of many components and all have different functions.

You also want to know about what these components are and how they work.

Let us also know this in detail.

The main components of CPU are 3 components.

1-  Storage Unit or memory Unit

2-  Control unit

3-  ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)

Storage or Memory Unit:-

The Memory Unit stores the data, instruction and result of the system.

It also supplies information to other units of the computer if needed.

It is also known by other names like main memory, primary memory, internal storage unit and Random Access Memory.

According to the size of storage or memory unit, its speed, capability and power are the same.

There are 2 types of memory unit. Which we also know by the name of Primary memory and Secondary memory.

These are the main functions of the Memory Unit.

∎ Storage or Memory unit stores all instruction and data for processing as per requirement.

∎ It also stores the results found in the middle of processing.

∎ It stores the final results of processing before sending it to the output device.

∎ All input and output devices are transmitted from the main memroy.

Control unit:-

As its name suggests, the job of this unit is to control it.

Control Unit controls the operation of all the parts of a computer. This unit does not do data processing in real terms.

These are the main functions of Control Unit.

∎ It is the responsibility of the Control Unit to control the transfer of instruction and data to other units of the computer.

∎ The Control Unit also works to manage and coordinate all the units of the computer.

∎ It receives instruction from memory, after interpreting it, gives direction to the operation of the computer.

∎ The memory unit communicates with the input and output device and transfers the data and results.

∎ Control unit neither does the work of processing the data nor does it store the data.

ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit

ALU is mainly composed of 2 parts.

1-  Arithmetic section

2-  Logical Section

Arithmetic section:

The work of arithmetic section is to solve the problem related to arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Difficult problems are solved with the help of these operations.

Logic section:

The task of logic section is to complete the logic operation. Such as comparing (comparing), selecting (matching), matching (matching), merging (mixing).

Types of CPU:-

Important part of CPU computer which we also know as Central Processing Unit.

It handles the data, instruction, and calculation being transferred from one component of the computer to another component.

The speed at which a computer works depends on the capacity or capacity of the CPU and how powerful it is.

That is why you have to decide what work you want to do and which CPU should be chosen accordingly.

Intel and AMD are the world's 2 largest CPU makers. They produce different CPUs according to themselves.

Single Core CPU

Single Core CPUs are the oldest type of computer CPU and initially only this type of CPU was available that was used in computers.

This Single Core could start only one operation at a time. That is why they are not considered good for multi-tasking.

This means that when one operation is already started and the second operation is started, its performance capacity was greatly reduced and it used to slow down a lot.

In this, only one operation could be started at a time, the second operation would be started a little before the first one was over.

With every new operation, the computer used to work slower because its speed used to decrease.

The clock speed was used to measure the power of the computer CPU. And its capacity depended on the clock speed.

Dual Core CPU

Dual Core CPU is a single core CPU but it has 2 cores and hence it works equal to 2 CPUs alone.

This is different from the Single Core CPU in many ways. After the completion of one operation in single core, the second operation could run but in this more than one operation is run simultaneously.

Therefore, this CPU is also called multi-tasking.

In order to use the full potential of Dual Core, it is necessary to have a special code written in both the operating system and the program which is also known as SMT (Simultaneous multi-threading technology).

Dual Core CPU works faster than single core but even faster Quad Core works.

Quad core CPU

Quad Core CPU can also be called multi core CPU which is made up of 4 core in single core CPU.

Just as Dual Core divides the work load into 2 core, similarly Quad Core divides into 4 core.

In this way it serves as a better multitasking. But this does not mean that if you run just one application, it will run 4 times.

Until the SMT code is not used, the speed of the program will not be realized. Such CPUs prove to be very useful when there is a need to run many programs simultaneously.

Such as video editing, designing, games etc.

What is the importance of CPU?

The Central Processing Unit is also called the brain of the computer.

This completes the arithmetic and logic calculation of the computer. Every work is completed through this. The existence of a computer without a CPU is not possible.

Friends, if we talk about computer systems, when someone goes to the market to buy desktop system, then he keeps the most attention about how much the CPU is and what is its configuration.

The processor, RAM, memory all come inside it. If someone goes and picks up the computer without any such meaning, then he will know about it later when he will not be able to do so many times.

As it happens, it buys a CPU with that capacity.

If you work in video editing, or work in designing software, then you will not have to take the system according to the design, otherwise you will not be able to do your work in the central processing unit with slow performance.

You have already seen how the central processing unit receives the instruction and decodes it in the signal and then sends it to different components to complete the task associated with it.

Central processing unit is also very important for high performance work.

Benefits of CPU

By the way, the computer is very useful to us, but if we talk about how we benefit from the CPU, then it is also important to know.

Because without its knowledge, you cannot identify the computer according to your work.

So, let us know about some of the important advantages of such central processing unit.

Dynamic Circuit

Today's modern computer processors are mainly dynamic circuits. There are millions of small switches that we call transistors.

When a user inputs data while working in an application, the other parts of the Processor control the configuration of these switches. I

Neither small switches make a dynamic circuit which is very complex. Through this, the computer completes its function.

Fast calculation

The first advantage that computer processors have is that they complete the matematical calculation at a very fast speed.

This is the reason that computer is far ahead of humans in doing some tasks like mathematical modeling.

The ability of a computer to work is based on this fast calculation, whether it is playing games or designing work.

Controlling the basic functions of computers

Processor is very important for any computer. Other parts of the computer are attached around it. Without it, every part of the computer will simply remain as a structure.

Every input output device connected to the computer works through this, so that the input data goes into the processor and after the process is shown as output.

The computer starts its work from where the processor is.

In short

In today's post, you have learned a lot of facts related to the Central Processing Unit.

What is CPU in this post and how did it work?

You also learned here why this CPU is so important for the computer and what are its advantages?

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What is CPU What is CPU Reviewed by imran on March 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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