What is mobile?

What is mobile? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

I know what is mobile. If your mobile is taken from you and it is said that you have to remain without mobile for 1 year, then what will be your reaction? Yes you will say that you cannot live without mobile. Everyone is in the same situation. A very important part of life has been made for everyone. But do you know what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobiles. We will also discuss these things further in this post.

Once upon a time there was a time when we had to reach our point and send a letter to a pigeon's feet. After that, as the age grew, the postman started doing this work. But still our message used to take a long time to go. But talking about a few years back, at that time the telephone had come which was with some people, it was not wireless as well.

But after the telephone, as soon as the mobile phone was invented and it came into the hands of the people, everything changed completely. Now people have no need to talk to a place by sticking to the telephone. People can sit anywhere, lie down and talk while walking. Even mobile phones have now been converted into smartphones. Man's way of life has changed. Initially, it used to happen many times that people wondered what this lonely man is talking to himself alone.it was nothing short of a miracle. Let us know in a little more detail what is Mobile.

What is Mobile:-

A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to place calls to others and receive incoming calls. Along with this, the facility of sending text messages is also given. The old mobile phone used to have the facility of just making and receiving calls, but today the mobile phone offers countless features like web browser, video music player, camera, games. We also know Mobile by many names like Cell phone, Handset Cellular phone, Wireless phone.

By simply dialing the number of 10 digits in mobile, we talk to anyone anytime in the present time, no matter the distance. It transfers our voice from one place to another at a very fast speed in seconds. And we listen to each other's words. If we talk about 15 years ago, only a few people used to have mobile at that time, they were also very basic mobile like Samsung's phone with antenna and Nokia 1100. At that time these phones used to run in the market.

When the first mobile phone came, it was used only for making calls and receiving calls. But his size was so big that it was impossible to move around in his pocket. Shortly after this, the mobile phone that used to have Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) started being used to send text messages as well. As time went by, their size became work and features went on increasing. Like it had become quite famous at that time, you might have also heard about MMS. Which started being used for sending photos. Such mobiles used to come with a camera. Such mobiles, which were possessed, they could send photos to the same mobile.

By the way, mobile phones that have features similar to the computer, we know today only by the name of Smartphone. Generally, the phone we use is called a feature phone.

How does mobile phone work:

According to an estimate, by 2019, there will be about 4.8 billion mobile users. Today everyone understands the importance of mobile phones. It can make us talk to any person in any corner of the world, but have you tried to know how your cell phone works.

Simply put, a mobile phone is a two -way radio. In which there is one transmitter and the other receiver radio. When you are doing with your friend, it converts your voice into electrical signal. After which it is transmitted to the nearest cell tower in the form of radio waves. Now the network of that cell tower sends radio wave to your friend's cell phone. The electrical signal is converted to sound. The mobile phone is based on walkie-talkie. But it develops from that. In which the main job is to call and receive, but apart from this, it also has separate internet, multimedia and camera. Smartphone has been developed now that computer which can work even a smartphone can do almost all the work, except just a few tasks.

Process of working of Mobile Phone

Let's know a little about how this mobile phone works.

Radio waves

Mobile phone use radio wave to communicate. What we talk about transmits the sounds as radio waves electric and magnetic field, which we call electromagnetic field. Radio waves carry all the data with the speed of light. The radio wave emanating from the mobile propagates in every direction and whatever things are found in the middle reaching the tower, they also absorb or reflect the radio wave.

Let us understand this through an example. When we are talking by putting the mobile in our ear, the radio waves emf continuously spreads there. Half the radio waves also go inside our body and head, thus most emf is wasted. Some mobile phones have only one antenna which does both transmit and receive functions alone and some mobile phones have separate antenna for three.


The mobile phone is a device that is a 2 way wireless communication device. Receives and sends signals to the Yani. The amount of signal that the tower receives is called Signal strength. You know this strength very well in your phone. And sometimes they even speak in such a way that I have a full tower or sirf is a single tower. The signals of strength decreases with the distance. With a low signal, you will definitely find that your mobile battery drains very quickly. This is because the mobile is used to send the signal to the tower because of the weak signal. This is the reason that due to having a good network, the thing is also good and the battery also runs well.


Every cell phone has an antenna which receives and transmit the radio signal. Antenna only converts the electrical signal into radio wave and at the same time converts the radio wave into electrical signal.

History of Mobile Phone:-

If we talk about when the mobile phone was conceived, then the answer would be that when the radio engineering was in its early stages, the foundation of its arrival was laid. Most of us feel that we cannot live for a single moment without a mobile. Are you also one of those who cannot spend a moment without a mobile? It took very less time to spread and now it is in every hand.

Even though a common man has got a mobile phone recently, it started when the patent for wireless mobile was issued in 1908 in Kentucky, USA. The mobile phone was invented in the early 1940s. AT&T engineers made mobile phones for mobile station. If I was the first mobile phone in the world, it was not like a mobile phone but a 2-way radio like a walkie talkie.

Motorola was the first company in the world to mass produce mobile phones on 3 April 1973. At that time, the mobile is kept in the category of 0G phone, which is also called zero technology. Nowadays, the promise of 4G and 5G mobile is going on. The mobile phone that we are using today was something else in the initial form. By the time it reached us, we know where it has made changes in the middle.

Milestone in Mobile Phone History - Important Dates of Mobile History

1926 - The first mobile phone service was successfully delivered to passengers traveling between Berlin and Hamburg.

1946 - Car radiotelephone in Chicago is called for the first time.

1956 - Automated mobile phone system installed in private vehicles in Sweden. It had a total of 125 users.

1669 - A company called Nordic Mobile Telephon Group is established.

1973 - Martin Cooper, general manager of the Motorola company, made a public mobile phone call for the first time on any device. Whose weight was 1 .1 kg.

1987 - Technical specification for GSM standard was certified on the basis of digital technology.

1992 - It was started in the United Kingdom by sending an SMS message for the first time.

1999 - Emoji is invented. Its inventor is Shigetaka Kurita from Japan.

2003 - First 3G network connection adopted by the world. Nepal was the country that first used 3G in 

           South Asia. Mount Everest was completely covered by 3G.

2007 - The same year the iphone mobile phones was launched.

2008 - First Android phone was launched as T - Mobile G1.

2009 - Announces in front of O2 people that they have successfully used 4G connection over LTE.

2010 - Samsung launched the first Galaxy S smartphone.

2017 - The old version of Nokia 3310 was again developed and brought to a new tax. In which the 

           features of camera, web browser, color screen were also given.

Benefits of Mobile Phone:

Friends, our life has become much easier with the arrival of mobile phones. It should be like a part of our body without which our work cannot be done. Let us know what are the benefits of mobile phones.

1-  Due to the mobile phone, we can talk to our relatives at any time. It is not as if a particular time has been fixed for this. This is not the case, but you can call 24 * 7 anytime during the day. Earlier the phone was kept in the house due to its large size, but now its size is so small that everyone keeps it in the pocket.

 2-  According to the need, we can use countless apps in the mobile phone itself. Whether it is related to app ticket booking. Whether it is connected to a bank or a web browser or listening to a song, there is an application for everyone.

3-  To use the Internet, we had to go to cyber cafe first. Or computer was needed, but mobile has become easier to use the Internet all the time. With the arrival of 3G and 4G for internet in mobile, the Internet runs at super speed.

4-  If mobile phones are with them then they give us protection in a way. Especially girls who are alone and go out, they can call the people of their lives at any time and can ask for more help if they feel threatened.

Disadvantages of Mobile Phone:

As there are 2 aspects of every coin. We have yet to know that only benefits are available from mobile phones. But it is also true that mobile has many disadvantages. Whose information is also important to keep.

1- There are some boys and girls who use mobile phones excessively. And are engaged in mobile day and night. Meditation works on writing studies. They are so addicted to mobile phones that they have nothing to do with real life. In this way, they write their studies and are unable to focus on their careers.

2- Constant use of mobile phones affects people's health. Throughout the day, a lot of radiation goes inside the body causing a lot of damage. Even when sleeping, people keep the mobile around their head.

3- Often people have such a habit that they use the phone while driving. Which is very dangerous.

4- We have to spend money to use internet and calls in mobile phones and the expenditure also increases.

5- Nowadays in mobile, we keep all our data even personal information. If ever mobile gum or theft happens, then people feel the loss of life from the body.

6 Due to continuous use of mobile, such an effect starts the problem of people not sleeping.

In short

Friends, how did you find information about What is Mobile phone ? Today you must have understood that what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? If there is no mobile phone then it is difficult to live life today. Better than taking the example of others, try yourself once and see how long you can live without a mobile phone. The journey from the initial mobile to today's developed mobile was quite long but this journey will never stop. New changes will happen over time. Through Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile phones in Hindi, we have now come to know that mobile phones are beneficial for us in many ways. But it is also important to know what are its disadvantages. Friends, if you like this post, then definitely share it on social media.

What is mobile? What is mobile? Reviewed by imran on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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