What is keyboard

Keyboard is a type of input device. Which we also call keyboard. We send instructions to the computer with the help of the buttons of keyboard. The keyboard is commonly used for writing text.

Work in a computer means input a lot of data. We use input device for input data.. There are many types of input devices used in computers, one of which you must know what is keyboard. And how many total buttons are there in the keyboard?

This is an important information for every person who is connected to the computer, whether he works on it or is connected with the computer education field. Now suppose that we have to create a resume, then we will have to write or not, for that we will definitely need an input device for typing, in such a way, we use an input device.

Yes, we call that input device as keyboard so that we can write anything in the computer.

It is used for inputting data and typing in computer or laptop. But still there are some people who use it but are not aware of it. In today's post, I will tell you what the keyboard is, so that all those people who do not know what its import is will be able to understand it.

By the way many people have a good knowledge about what is a computer and what is it? And why it is used is also important to know. Also, the types of keyboard in Hindi, i.e., how many types of these are they should also be known. Apart from this, in this article we will also know how many types of keyboards are there.

Use it to write all kinds of data in the computer and there are many such tasks which you cannot complete without this. So, I will answer the question arising in your mind one by one and we will all know the information of computer keyboard in Hindi. Along with this, you will also get information about shortcut keys in this post.

Keyboard introduction:

A keyboard is an input device of a computer that has a variety of buttons. With which we put the data in the computer and give instructions to it. In it, the buttons are exactly like typewriters, but the functions are very much.

Many devices are connected in the computer which are very important such as input devices and output devices.

The keyboard is an input device of a computer which is said to be a very important device. Because the way a person becomes handicapped without a person's hand and foot.

In the same way, if it is removed from the computer, then the computer will also be disabled, that is to say that the computer cannot be used, without the keyboard the computer will not run. This is called keyboard in Hindi.

It is mainly used to enter alphabets, numbers, commands and different data in a computer.

It is a means of communicating directly with the computer. These CPUs process our entered data and then show us the results through output devices such as monitors and printers.

The keyboard can also do a lot of different functions with the mouse being an input device. You will know what the mouse is and how it works. But do you know that you can do a lot of work without a mouse only by this?

What is a keyboard called?

We often hear that there is an important input device in the computer without which it is not possible to work and its name is only known that it is a keyboard.

Don't know?

How many total buttons are in the keyboard?

The total number of buttons in any keyboard depends on its size. Nowadays we get many types of keyboards of different sizes.

Full-size keyboard

This type of keyboard has 104,105,108 buttons as well as a dedicated number plate.

Ten keyless Keyboard: This type of keyboard has 87 or 88 buttons which does not have a dedicated number pad.

75% keyboard

It also has the same number of buttons as the tenkeyless keyboard and it is quite small in size.

60% keyboard

This type of keyboard does not have a function row, that is, it does not have function buttons. Friends do not even have arrow buttons, their layout is very small and such a keyboard is rarely used.

How does a computer keyboard work?

It is an input device as well as a hardware device that works according to the instructions given by the user.

It is made up of circuits, switches and processors, with the help of which every keystroke message typed reaches the computer.

You should not understand that I am talking about the processor of the CPU, but the keyboard also has its own processor, which transmits every information to the system.

When we type anything in the keyboard, say if I type A, it causes a switch press. Pressing the switch completes the circuit and causes a slight current to flow.

When we press the switch, it causes a cube that is known as bounce which reaches the processor. It forms a key matrix from a large part of the circuit system.

Below the button we type, grids are made like a grid of small buttons and this is called a key matrix.

When the processor learns that a circuit has been closed, it compares the location of the circuit of the key matrix to the character map in the ROM. The character map is a comparison chart.

Which tells the location processor of each butoon key. In addition, it also tells the matrix location of the combination of keystroke. Like sometimes we press other alphabets with the Shift and Control buttons, this combination of keystrokes happens.

In this way, when we press A, there will be a current flow which will produce vibration, which will be known to the processor. Now she will place the circuit's location in the key matrix from the character chart of the ROM. Then it will know which button is pressed, thus it will display immediately by writing A in the output.

What are the types of keyboards?

There are different types according to its usage. Now we will know here what are these types. By the way, computers and laptop keyboards are simple, people know the same, but apart from this there are also gaming, ergonomic, thumbsize, numeric keyboard etc.

Apart from this, these devices are also many types such as foldable, laser / infrared, and chorded.

There are also different ways to connect this to a computer such as PS / 2 and USB. Let us now know what are these different types and how do they work.

Laptop keyboard

This is the QWERTY version. What you use in a laptop is similar to that. The only difference is that some buttons are reduced due to lack of space.

It has some extra keys like power button, volume button, play button, rewind button, mute button etc.

Gaming Keyboard

Gaming keyboards are also similar to the regular use of the device, the only difference is that there are some extra keys given in it. It has illuminated keys, multimedia keys, an LCD screen, palm rest as extra features.

Illuminated keys are used to play games at night time. It is quite useful when the keyboard is not seen properly when it is dark at night. In the middle of playing the game, multimedia keys are used to enhance the sound of the music and change the music track.

Ergonomic computer keyboard

Ergonomic keyboards are designed to reduce the pain caused by typing of the hand muscle. It is also designed to give comfort to the hands.

Generally it is made in V-Shape for 2-handed typists. This creates an angle, which also increases typing speed.

Laser or Infrared Keyboard

This is the latest technology in the computer world. With this technology, the projector is projected into the flat surface in the form of a keyboard light. Due to its light project, it is made on the table or desk itself.

You can input the alphabet into the computer by typing in the keyboard on the table or desk itself. By the way, this technology is still in the developing stage, so it is not being used regularly.

Rollup Keyboard

Rollup is the best used in travel. You can roll it and keep it open when needed. It becomes very easy to carry due to its rollup.

It is usually made of silicon and polyurethane material. The only advantage of this material is that you can rollup it, but do not fold it. This causes the risk of circuit damage.

Keyboard Layout

If you knew the meaning of Layout, then you must have understood what Layout is.

If you do not know, then let us know that according to different languages, its structure or texture is also made according to its own. Buttons are placed in different ways according to their own.

There are many layout types available today such as QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY but most of all QWERTY is used. Let us also know about these layout a bit.


How do you name the layout? If you have paid a little attention, then surely you will know that only the first 6 letters of the first line of alphabets are QWERTY. If you want, now you can see this Layout by opening WhatsApp in mobile.

This is the layout that is most popular in the world. Even you can see this layout on every mobile and tablet.


The only difference from QWERTY layout to QWERTZ layout is that the position of Y letter is replaced with the position of Z letter in it. That is why it was nicknamed "Keyzboard". There are 2 big reasons for this change.

In German, the letter "Z" is more common than the letter "Y", due to which it is used more.

Also, according to German orthography, "T" and "Z" are always used in front of each other.

That is why both these letters can be typed very easily through index fingers.


AZERTY is considered a special layout for the Latin alphabet on typewriters and computer keyboards. This is basically what most French people use.


Augustine Dvorak invention of DVORAK layout. It is arranged according to the use of letters.

For example, the letter "e" is the most commonly used letter, which is why it is placed in the center. This reduces the movement of the finger.

Compared to all other layouts, this layout has a lot of speed typing and is also comfortable for fingers.

What are the types of Keys?

There are many alphabetical letters, numerical numbers, symbols and commands in the shape of a button. Every key is associated with some specific category. If you understand which key is associated with which category, then you can easily know its function.

Some boards use special keys but some are without special keys. But they all have the same alphanumerical keys.

Alphanumeric Keys

Every keyboard in the world has a set of keys which are known as alphanumeric keys. It is called alphanumeric because it only contains alphabets and numbers.

In this, the number keys are in 2 places. One is in the row above the alphabets and the other is on the right side of the alphabets. The above numbers also contain symbols which are typed by pressing the SHIFT button and pressing simultaneously.

The letter keys are arranged in this manner. The first row consists of QWERTY. You can also see the same layout in the keyboard of your smartphone and tablet.

Punctuation Keys

Punctuation Keys means keys that represent punctuation signals. Examples of these.

Comma - We also name it as comma.

Question mark - question mark,

Colon Key - Colon Key

Period Key - Period key.

All these Keys are on the right side of the letter Keys.

Function keys

The top row contains the function keys. You can identify it as F1, F2 …… ..F12. Function keys have different functions. Work is taken as needed.

Navigation Keys

Navigation keys are between the letter keys and numbers keys on the right side of the keyboard. These are manly 4 arrows that represent the left, right, up down direction.

With the same navigation keys as the mouse, you can move the cursor in all directions. Also use it to scroll pages.

Command keys and special keys

Command keys are keys that are commonly used to give commands. Such as "delete", "enter", "return". It depends on your keyboard where the special keys are which can be present above the numbers and may not be in anyone.

These special keys are End, Home, Caps lock which are used to increase and decrease the volume as well as to rewind and forward the video. With this, you can do more work with CTRL and ALT.

Different Computer Keyboard Keys

You use this input device and it also has all kinds of buttons for your work. Then you will also know how many types of these keys are there. If you do not know, then you will get complete information about it further.

Typing keys

Typing keys are the same keys that we use to type normally maximum, such as alphabets and numeric keys. You have also read it above as alphanumeric keys. Apart from this, punctuation and symbols are also included.

Function keys

The top row has the function Keys. You can identify it as F1, F2 …… ..F12. Function Keys have different functions. Work is taken as needed.

Numeric keys

Numeric keys are keys that are numbers keys on the right side of alphabets. They are very useful in calculating.

Control keys

Control keys are keys that can be used single or can be used with someone else. St Ctrl, Alt, Escape, Windows Key etc are Control Keys. Apart from this, Scroll Key, PrtScr, Pause, Break keys are also Control Keys.


The board has indicator lights for some keys. When these keys are turned ON, the lights which are for its indication remain ON. If the lights are off, the function that is connected to Keys will not work.

When NUM key is ON, the right side numerical numbers key will work, if it is OFF then it will not be typed. All the alphabets will be written in upper case when off key indicator light will be written in upper case.

Keyboard Keys Info

Key / Symbol     Explanation

Windows                 PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks like 4 pane windows.

Esc                          Esc (Escape) key.

Fn                           Fn (Function) key.

F1 - F12                 Information containing F1 - F12 keyboard keys.

Tab                         Tab key.

Caps lock               Caps lock key

Left                        To move the left Cursor to the left

Right                      To move the Right Cursor to the right

Up                          To move the Up Cursor up

down                      To take down Cursor

Back Space            To delete the 

Delete                    Delete

Shift                      Shift key.

Spacebar               Spacebar key.

Enter                     Ok or Enter button

Pause                    Pause key.

Break                   Break key

Insert                   Insert key.

Home                  Home key

Prt Scrn               Screenshot is useful.

Ctrl                      Ctrl (Control) key. Can use as single and double button.

Scroll lock           Scroll lock key.

Page down           For Page down key.

Page up                For Page up key.

End                      End key.

Num Lock            Num Lock key.

~                           Tilde

`                            Acute, Back quote, grave, left quote, grave accent, open quote, or a push.

!                            Exclamation mark, Exclamation point

@                         Ampersat, Arobase, Asperand, At, or At symbol.

#                          Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash

€                           Euro.

$                          Dollar sign or generic currency.

¢                          Cent sign

¥                          Chinese or Japanese Yuan.

§                          Micro, Section

%                         Percent

°                           Degree.

^                           Caret , Circumflex

&                          Ampersand, Epershand , And

*                          Asterisk, math multiplication symbol, and sometimes referred to as star

(                           Open parenthesis.

)                           Close parenthesis

-                           Hyphen, Minus ya Dash.

?                           The Question Mark.

>                          Greater Than ya Angle brackets.

<                          Less Than ya Angle brackets

,                           For commas in Sentence.

.                           Full Stop on completing Sentence

‘                           Apostrophe or Single Quote.

"                          Quote, Quotation mark and Inverted commas

:                          Colon.

/                          Forward slash, Virgule, Whack, Solidus, and mathemal division symbol.

\                          Backslash or Reverse Solidus.

|                          Pipe, Vertical bar

]                         Closed bracket

[                         Open bracket

}                         Close Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket

{                         Open Brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket

=                         Equal

+                         Plus

_                         Underscore

-                          Hyphen, Minus or Dash

Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys - 

Whenever we work in a computer, for that we use the input device and put our data in the computer and instruct it to work.

The keyboard and mouse are the most prominent in this. Nevertheless, the ability to work in every person is different and the speed of working also varies.

When a person working in the computer is aware of its shortcut keys, then it becomes even easier to work, in such a situation, there is no need to hold the mouse all the time, rather it can do all the work from it.

Now we will know about such shortcut keys which help us in completing our work more easily and quickly.

Shortcut Keys  Keys Description

F1 Help uses this key to view information.

F2 uses F2 to rename a file.

F5 works for K from one program to another.

Alt + Tab works for K from one program to another.

Alt + F4 closes any active program.

Ctrl + A selects all the contents of the page at once.

Ctrl + B bolds the selected text.

Ctrl + C copies the selected text.

Ctrl + D bookmarks the open webpage.

Ctrl + E moves the selected text to the center.

Use Ctrl + F Find to open the window.

Ctrl + G opens the Find window in the browser and word processor.

Ctrl + H opens the Find & Replace window in Microsoft Word, Notepad and WordPad.

Ctrl + I italicizes the text written.

Ctrl + J is used to enter the download window in the browser and sets justify alignment in Microsoft Word.

Ctrl + K creates Hyperlink of highlighted text in Microsoft Word and HTML editor.

Ctrl + L aligns the text to the left side and selects the browser's address bar.

Ctrl + M indent the selected text in the word processor program.

Ctrl + N opens File or document in the program in almost every way.

Ctrl + O opens the file or document in the program in almost every way.

Ctrl + P opens the Print window to print the document.

Ctrl + R aligns the text to the right side. Reloads the browser's page

Ctrl + S saves the file or document to the local drive permanently.

Ctrl + T Opens a new tab in the Internet browser.

Ctrl + U underline the text.

Ctrl + V paste the copied file, text document.

Ctrl + W performs tabs in the browser and documents in Word.

Ctrl + X cuts selected text or any file.

Ctrl + Y Redo any action.

Ctrl + Z Undo an action

Shift + Del Permanently deletes a file.

To go to the beginning of the home line.

The Windows + R Run command box opens.

In short

Just as every organ is necessary in the human body, in the same way, there are necessary devices for every kind of work in the computer. One of them is an important part keyboard without which we cannot do any work in the system. In this post you also learned how many total buttons are in the keyboard.

Every part used in the computer is necessary, but the keyboard is an input device with the help of which we complete all kinds of tasks. Through this post, I have tried to give you information about keyboard in Hindi so that you can understand everything about it.

Today's post is very beneficial for those seeking computer related information. Because today we have learned what the keyboard is and how it is.

What is keyboard What is keyboard Reviewed by imran on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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