8 Ways To Detoxify Your Body After The Festive Season

8 Ways To Detoxify Your Body After The Festive Season

Festivals have passed, but there is still an era to eat sweets and royal dishes. It is a little difficult to follow exercise and diet properly in festivals, due to which we eat anything fried and roasted. The result is that the weight of the fork increases rapidly. Let us tell you some easy tips that will help you to detox your body and lose weight.

1. Start the day daily with lemonade. Drink half a teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water. Lemon water helps in detoxing the body.

2. If you want to lose weight, then eat protein. Include eggs, chicken, beans, lentils and beans in your diet. They contain fewer calories. After eating them, the stomach remains full for a long time.

3. Fiber is a natural detoxifying agent, so take plenty of fiber in your diet. Eat cucumber, carrots, lettuce, sprouts and green leafy vegetables.

4. If you are losing weight, then plan to eat in such a way that eat it little by little 5-6 times a day. By following this technique, the appetite is reduced and there is no over eating.

5. It is very important to detox the body after eating unhealthy food at the festival and party. And water is the best option for detoxifying. So drink 10 glasses of water throughout the day. All the toxic substances stored in the body will come out of the water and there is a feeling of freshness. The digestive system works in a smooth manner and sleep is good.

6. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, lentils, legumes, nuts and seeds in your diet. Eating them reduces weight quickly.

7. Eating a lot on festivals also puts pressure on the digestive system. To lose weight, it is important to eat light food. Try to avoid eating non-veg.

8. Excess work in festivals leads to fatigue, but now that the festivals are over, first complete your sleep and erase the fatigue. Boil cinnamon and ginger powder in 1 glass of milk before going to bed at night and drink it with jaggery. Drinking this leads to good sleep and also increases immunity.
8 Ways To Detoxify Your Body After The Festive Season 8 Ways To Detoxify Your Body After The Festive Season Reviewed by imran on March 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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