When Home Becomes The Dangerous Place For The Child

Why unsafe children at home with their own people?

Everyone knows the fact that children in every society have to face abuse, violence, mental and physical abuse. Parents thrash at home. They are also discriminated against on the basis of caste or religion in the classroom. The daughter is murdered in the womb or after birth. Even after being born, they have to suffer discrimination in the family or society. Girls have to face child marriage, rape or reproach.

Children are tortured in many ways, such as corporal punishment, mental abuse, abusive behavior, neglect, child abuse etc.

If all this is done socially or in school etc. then parents protect the child. But the sadness happens when the children commit the same atrocities with their own parents and the children are unable to do anything against their mother, except to bear it.

Corporal punishment…

In order to discipline children, it is very common for parents to beat them up. But sometimes it becomes very violent. Pissing each other on children, drunk by father. Children, surrounded by their failures, become soft targets for them to remove mental stress. If the children do not listen to them at all, then they get beaten up badly. Extremely angry parents or fathers also beat children fiercely on small matters. Sometimes the children get beaten up so much that they die.

Apart from this, in order to punish young children, lock them in the bathroom, lock them alone in a dark room, keep them hungry, leave them standing in one corner of the room for many hours, etc. There are many other ways that parents give children corporal punishment. Huh. The father was beaten by hanging him from the noose, the child was beaten to death on the ground, etc. Many incidents of father's hagiography have become a matter of discussion, published in newspapers. Bouncing the young child into the air is also a kind of physical pain.

Corporal punishment in any form affects a child's development and his full potential. It generates anger inside the child. As a result, the child's behavior becomes aggressive and aggressive. His character becomes disruptive in nature. In such children, the sense of confidence and self-esteem decreases. Anxiety increases. Sleep problems arise. Even suicidal tendencies start taking birth.

Mental abuse…

You're stupid you're not able you can't do any thing in your life. Some parents say these sentences but their effects is faraway and the child's confidence starts decreasing.

No parents are enemies of children, but inadvertently they say and do many such things to children, who mentally exploit children. Punishing the child again and again, shouting at him in anger, intimidating, abusing, making fun in front of others, ignoring the child, ignoring his needs, not understanding his feelings and mindset, Comparing other children and siblings, not embarrassing or humiliating others, not kissing or hugging the child, so that the child can feel the love of the parents, because the feeling of touch arouses a feeling of love and security in the child. is. Many parents keep accusing him again and again when the child is at fault.

Any behavior which is not mentally appropriate for the child or hinders its development is called mental abuse. It is more painful for children than physical pain. Because the physical wounds are filled, but the words coming out of the tongue directly affect the heartache of the child and its effect is never ending.

Abusive Behaviour…

Parents inadvertently insult the child in many ways. If there is any mistake with the child, it is most insulting the child to scold him in front of everyone. If someone is more beautiful, blonde and capable than siblings or sisters or brothers, then always prioritize it, take it along, just tell others about its qualities and beauty, fills the other child with inferiority . By comparing the child's siblings or his friends with comparative analysis or telling his mistakes or shortcomings in front of his friends, the child always feels insulted by finding himself very less among his friends. Often his friends spread these things to others as well. Due to which the child remains unhappy and feels suffocated on these things all the time, which will have a great impact on his overall development.

The child starts thinking of himself as inferior and starts clipping as he gets along with others. This ends his social life, which gets included in his habit. Later, such a child becomes introverted in nature.


Parents rarely ignore children deliberately. But the circumstances of the house, such as financial difficulties, interpersonal relations between the spouses, death of the spouse or other difficulties, such as many causes become the reason for neglect of the child. It has a serious negative impact on the child.

Such neglected upbringing affects the child. Children learn about social behavior from the environment in which they live in childhood. If they are always treated neglected at home, ignoring others is part of social behavior acceptable to the child

Child Sexual Harassment…

According to the study 'Child Abuse in India' by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, 53.22 per cent of children in India have been exposed to one or more types of sexual abuse and harassment. In such a situation, who can say that there is no sexual exploitation of children in my house.

According to Paxo, the current legal provision in India, 'touching the child in the wrong way, doing wrong things in front of him and showing him obscene things also comes under this scope. This can happen anywhere with the child. Home, school, neighborhood etc. The perpetrators of such incidents are always close to the family. Whose visitation remains in the house and the elders of the house also have superstitions on them. Children too become close to them. They are so happy with the child that it cannot be understood that their motives are so disgusting. In today's time, parents are starting to leave children a lot with the help of servants. Many types of stories are heard against the servants only.

The first point is when relatives, father, brothers, teachers, relatives are being exploited. Then the question arises as to where the children are safe at last. There are many institutions, centers and homes in India for the protection and care of children, but most of them are not registered. Children are not safe even in these safety centers.

The child who is a victim of sexual harassment in any form. He could not even openly talk to anyone about this matter. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the child in this direction, so that the child can openly tell the incident happening to him in front of others.

Children who are sexually abused are very scared or very angry and irritable. Some children become very shy. I feel uncomfortable talking to anyone. Some children also become very insolent. Many children become victims of depression and start behaving like mental patients. Such children can easily get involved in criminal activities.

All those reasons that show a child different from other children, behind such behavior can include child abuse, a crime. Therefore, everyone needs to work seriously in this direction. So that the protector does not become the child's eater.

Children are the future of the country. On their proper and balanced development, the framework of tomorrow's whole society and country is decided. Therefore, it becomes the first duty of parents and family members that the upbringing and protection of children should not be taken lightly. Rather, raising children properly and safely is the first duty of any parent and they should do it above their personal interests.

When Home Becomes The Dangerous Place For The Child When Home Becomes The Dangerous Place For The Child Reviewed by imran on March 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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