What is a mouse and how to run it?

What is a mouse and how to run it?

Friends, you must know what a mouse is and how to run it. The world is develop at a very fast. Every country today want to be a best technology. That's why the use of computer has started in every types of  work. You must know about the computer.

Whoever knows what a computer is, they must also know about it, what is its use. Two types of devices are used to work in computers that is input and output devices.

After all, what type of device is a mouse, an input or an output device, let me tell you that through this we instruct the computer to work, that's why it is called an input device. We can do many different things from this, but do you know what this input device is called in Hindi and how it works?

Friends, this is such an important part of computer for us, so it is important that we get every information about it. So that whenever we want to buy it, we can buy it by choosing the best quality according to the work for ourselves.

So let us know in detail what is a mouse and what are its types?

What is a mouse?

A mouse is an input device that controls the pointer or cursor of a computer's screen. Through this pointer, we use to open, close, move files from one place to another, take information of files, folders and all other options inside the computer.

Because of doing all these things, it is also called Pointing device. Any computer user using this gives instructions to the computer what to do. In this way, it acts as an interface between the user and the computer. We can go to every part of the computer with its help.

Today if we talk about what is the role of this device, then I would like to tell that it is a very important part of it. How would you feel if you ever imagine that you do not have this device and only have to work with the keyboard?

In such a situation, my experience was as if my hand had just been tied. Today, wireless mouse and keyboard are in the market. Many people are taking advantage of this by using it.

A computer is a device that is not just a part, but has many parts. Just as a human has a mind, heart, hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth etc. and has a different work fix for everyone and every task is very important, in the same way as different parts of human organs in a computer. For different parts.

So if we say that humans use their hands to hold things, lift, move, use their feet and move from one place to another. Now tell me, how will you do this kind of work in computer?

Yes, you got it right, holding, lifting, moving something inside the computer, use the mouse only for these tasks. It works just like a hand and foot for us inside a computer.

Definition of Mouse 

The mouse is a pointing device that works based on the X-Y direction by detecting motion relative to the surface. Due to the speed of the pointer, it allows the user to control and navigate the computer's interface.

Friends, this is also a strange question, why the name of this input device is named mouse? We all know who we call a mouse in the common language, yes, it means that it is a mouse. If you see the shape of the body of the rat, then you will understand that it has the same elliptical shape as the rat, a wire like the tail.

Because of this, the use of the keyboard has reduced and it is constantly improving everyday which has played an important role in increasing the ability of the computer to work.

What is the mouse ?

As we have already talked about it, the design of this input device is very similar to that of the previous one. Two eyes represent two buttons and its tail represents its wire, that is, if it is called a rat, it will not be wrong.

When and who made the mouse?

It was invented in 1963 AD by Douglas Carl Engelbart (1925-2013), an American engineer and inventor. when he created He worked in Xerox Parc Corporation.

In the beginning, there was doubt in the user's mind about the use of this, but since 1984, it became so popular that today how much use it has in the computer, you have already seen it.

Mouse pointer interface

When a user does some work in a computer, how does he recognize the motion of it? The answer is that it is a pointing device, hence a pointer of it appears in the computer screen. It can be of different shape. Symbol is a graphical image.

We also know all these shapes by the name of the mouse pointer and we can also call it cursor as usual. This location helps us work through this. The special thing is that this pointer or cursor changes its form according to its work. Apart from this, you can also use the pointer of your choice.

Normally the pointer or cursor on the computer screen is made in arrow shape but it has an angle which makes it look slant. This is because earlier there were low resolution screens, so it was clearly visible by having an arrow. Today, their shape, size varies according to the operating system. Below you can see the different interface of the pointer according to their work.

How to run a mouse - what are its basic functions?

Friends, today when we use computers, one hand always holds this device. Let us understand that with one hand, it helps to complete all the work inside the computer. Let us know what are the common tasks of this.

The cursor or pointer is used to move the computer anywhere in the entire screen. If you touch it with your hand and move a little, then you will be able to see the pointer moving in the computer screen.

To select the files and folders present in the computer screen, we move the pointer and click on it.

Using it, you can open or close any software, file or folder.

Files from one location to another are copied and dragged by clicking without copy paste.

We can easily scroll by going down to read a long document.

Without opening any file and document, we get information about it as soon as we move the pointer on it.

Through the right click of this, you can complete many tasks of an object. Such as Open, Copy, Paste, Cut, Delete, Rename, Properties etc.

Mouse Design - Parts of Mouse

They are of many types and each design can be different and the parts used in it can also be different. I am talking here about the design of a general mouse which happens mostly.


Almost every mouse used nowadays has at least 3 buttons. One is Left Button and the other is Right Button. Using which we do all the work of any file. The third is the button with the wheel which is used for smooth scroll.

Mouse wheel

In today's desktop mouse, the wheel is definitely installed, so that we can scroll up and scroll down in the page, ie, can easily come down on the page.

Ball, LED or Laser

Ball or roller is used in various types of this, which we normally know by the name of mechanical mouse. And in this type of laser or LED is used, we know it by the name of optical mouse. Because of these rollers and LEDs, it helps us to track the pointer.

Circuit board

The click by the Left and Right buttons is a circuit board for inputting information of its activities into the computer, which is made using integrated circuits.

Cable or Wireless receiver

Wire is provided to connect it to the computer. Most of today's devices have a USB port for cable connectivity. And if you use a wireless device, then for this you will need a wireless port.

Types of Mouse

By the way, there are many types of icons in the market and they are divided on the basis of their look, interface and connectivity. Nowadays optical mouse is most commonly used in desktop computer due to having USB port. The touch pad is used as this in the laptop. So let's know about its different types.


Corded - which we use cable to connect to computer. Power supply is done to the device only through this cable. That's why there is no need for external power. Accuracy level is very high in this. There is no problem in transferring data in it.

Cordless (Wireless)

Cordless - which cable is not used to connect to a computer. In this, infrared, bluetooth or radio waves are used for connectivity instead of cable. That is why we also call it wireless. Its a USB receiver is used which is plugged into the USB port of the computer and it receives and works with the signal from a wireless device.

Optical mouse

They use light source which includes LED and light detector. Which detects surface related movement through light. This is the standard form of mechanical mouse used before it. There is very little need to maintain it.

Mechanical mouse

This is an input device that uses a metallic or rubber ball inside. When inside the ball moves in any direction, then the sensor inside it detects this movement and also moves the pointer in the same direction in the screen of the computer.

Most of such mobiles are corded. By the way, these were the first experiments, now optical mouse has taken their place.

How does the mouse work?

Friends, when someone sees this working for the first time, they wonder how they move in the same computer screen as they move outside. That is why there is a desire in the mind to know what technology it is, due to which it is expert in doing such work.

Let us know the same thing in detail.

Roller ball working method

How does it work? When we move the roller on top of our pad, it starts rolling due to its weight and pushes 2 plastic rollers against it which are connected to thin wheels.

One of which detects the movement of the wheel up and down (Y-axis) and the other wheel detects the side to side movement which can also be called the (X-axis) movement. Now the question arises here how does it know the movement of your hand so accurately.

When you move this, it causes rollers who move one or both wheels. When you move the mouse upright, it is the wheel move of the Y-axis.

The same is the X - axis wheel move when moving the right side. But when we move an angle or slant then both the wheels move. In this way, we can see in the screen of the exact movement computer.

One special thing about this is that every wheel is made of a plastic spoke.

The biggest problem of this is that it cannot be used in all types of surfaces. For this, a special pad is required on which the roller can move easily.

When this wheel rotates, the light beam breaks. The number of times this wheel rotates is the beam breaks. So by doing a net count of the number of times the beam breaks, it shows how far you have moved the pointer.

A microchip is attached to measuring and counting, which sends all the information to the computer through cable. Based on the same information, the software of the computer moves the cursor in the screen.

The working process of optical mouse

It works in a completely different way than a roller ball. In this way, there is an LED at the bottom of this, which emits a shining light which goes directly to the desk or pad under its surface. After this it happens that the light comes back after hitting the desk, which goes inside it to the photocell next to the LED.

There is a lens in front of the photocell which magnifies the light coming back so that it can detect hand movement more thoroughly. As you move this, the pattern of reflected light keeps changing. The chip inside it seems to know in which direction we are moving it from our hath.

An optical consists of 2 LED’s. Light shines down with an LED that goes to the desk or pad. Which leads to cursor movement. The light emitted from other LEDs is behind, which shows whether it is working or not.

How Wireless Mouse Works

There is nothing different about working in wireless, it works like the rest by detecting the movement of the hand. The only difference in this is that they do not use wire or cable to send all their data to the computer.

Uses wireless connectivity for this. For this, Bluetooth is mostly used instead of USB cable.

As you already know that USB cable takes not only data but also power and goes to it, so that it gets enough power to work. But Bluetooth does not have cable, so the battery is used in it for power in it.

Due to the battery, it weighs a little more than the rest. Apart from this, it is also important that battery consumption in Bluetooth is high, so the battery keeps changing continuously.

The biggest disadvantage of this is that it has to use a separate battery. Especially because of the use of Bluetooth, the battery life is not much. Due to the use of battery, the weight of the body also increases.

How many buttons does the mouse have?

By the way, you will see that nowadays there are 3 buttons in the mouse and there is a Scroll button. That means the scroll has a wheel and a button. Often we are left and right click etc.

1-  Left button

2-  Right button

3-  Scroll Wheel & Button

In short

I hope that you have now understood what the mouse is and how to run it. Also, you must also know how many buttons are there in it. Now whenever you go shopping for a mouse, you can keep these things in mind and select this according to your need. Through this post, I have been trying to understand how different types of mouse work and it is an input or output device.

You should understand this in a good way and you will also understand what it is called in Hindi. Now android has developed such apps so that you can control the pointer in the smartphone with the movement of your face. However, nowadays the touch screen laptop has also started trending. But still the use of this has not diminished.

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What is a mouse and how to run it? What is a mouse and how to run it? Reviewed by imran on March 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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